Saturday, October 25, 2014

Beyond Possession by Kit Rocha

Zan like the rest of Sector Four's men is blunt, and has no problem saying what's on his mind, "I'm asking you to eff me, Tatiana. If you want that to stay quiet, I've got no problem with it." Zan and Tatiana are both passionate people and sometimes in their passion they forget to do things, "she smoothed her hand down his chest and snuck under his shirt to stroke the warm skin of his stomach. "I'll get us both naked. When I remember how to stand up." He doesn't hide that he's well endowed that boy is proud of it, "already told you sweetheart." He leaned over her, his chest to her back, and groaned when her hips tilted, sharpening the angle of his penetration. "I'm not a small man." As usual I enjoyed this and I can't wait for more maybe Tatiana's sister is going to find her a man in Sector Four?...

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